Guide to Macronutrient Profiling

The term “macronutrients” (or macros, as some call them) and macronutrient profiling (the customization of ratios to fit an individual’s health or fitness goals or needs) are hot topics in the health and fitness industry these days. But what exactly do these terms mean for you and your clients? As it turns out, one’s choice of macronutrients can have a significant effect of the achievement of specific goals (endurance, strength, fat loss, weight gain, etc.).

“Macro” is a Greek word that means “large,” which, in the context of nutrition, relates to the size of the nutrient and its importance in energy balance. In basic terms, this balance can be defined as “energy in” (calories taken into the body through food and drink) versus “energy out” (calories being used in the body for daily energy requirements). Energy (or calories) is the core of nutrition and health, and the foundation for this energy comes from the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

A macro-based diet looks at the percentage combination or ratios of carbs, proteins and fats in a person’s diet rather than total calorie counts alone. These traditionally have been set as percentages for total calories, falling somewhere within the following USDA guidelines:

These guidelines provide a very broad range for each of the macros, however, so how do you determine which ratio or range is right for an individual’s particular needs and goals? Recent research and position stands have helped narrow these ranges quite a bit. Below is a review of some basic recommendations for macros, along with some strategies to help educate clients on their individual nutritional needs.


Active Individuals (General Fitness Program)

Medium to High-intensity Training (1 to 2 hours per day, 4 to 6 days/week)

Weight Loss or Decrease Body Fat


Active Individuals (General Fitness Program)

Weight Loss or Decrease Body fat


Active Individuals (General Fitness Program)

Medium to High-intensity Training (1 to 2 hours per day, 4 to 6 days/week)

Weight Loss or Decrease Body fat